Unusual car care tips and tricks

If you were one of the lucky few to have access to your parent’s car whilst comfortably living in your family abode, chances are, you didn’t have to spare two thoughts when pulling their car out of the driveway. Any cost associated problems while you were driving would be passed along to Mum or Dad along followed by the lament: when is this going to be fixed? I need to go to the mall and choose a super awesome outfit for Becky’s super awesome party! Ok, so I’m stereotyping… Slightly. Even I can admit that I didn’t really care too much about ol’ Bessie, who at the time was a spluttering mess with un-windable rear windows, broken music player, fried interior lights, coupled with the inability to climb a hill over 20km/hr. It was a means of getting from A to B, and whatever needing fixing, my lovely Mother would foot the bill – I was working one day a week, going to university and being a coffee B at my internship – give me a break! Everything was smooth sailing – until I moved out of home. The crushing reality of car maintenance costs was a huge blow, resulting in the realisation: Damn, I really am an adult. If you’re like me and hate spending a fortune on your car (which I’m assuming is most of you) simply follow these handy hints to avoid a hefty bill at your next service.

Cleaning Your Blades

When most people notice that their wiper blades are streaking the glass, their automatic reaction is to rush out to the service station and purchase a new set of blades. But did you ever consider that they might actually be dirty, not old and worn? Before you waste $8 on new blades (I KNOW $8 – that’s like… two whole coffees) make yourself a solution of a quarter of a cup of household ammonia to one litre of cold water. Gently lift your blades, and wipe down the sides with a soft cloth or paper towel, ensuring that they are dry before setting them back down.

car wiper cleaner

Use Vinegar on Coffee Stains

The surging popularity in drive-thru coffee stations doesn’t bode well for clumsy people, with the likelihood of spilling hot beverages increasing tenfold (I know, first world issues). If you’ve got a coffee spill in your car, blot up as much as you can with a paper towel, then apply a mixture containing one litre of water, one tablespoon of vinegar, and half a teaspoon of vinegar to the stain, leaving it for fifteen minutes. Once the times up, simply wipe away with warm water.

Save yourself $900 by Keeping Your Tires Pumped

If you had to decide between $900 on a set of new tires, or spending five minutes at the air pump section of a gas station, what would you choose? The pressure of your tires is important to more than just one aspect of your car. Along with prolonging the life, you get better fuel efficiency, and a safer driving experience.

Tyre Pressure check

Keys Weighing You Down?

Have your keys got some added personality? Meaning… You’ve got every key you’ll ever need on one chain, along with gym swipe car, and any kooky knick knack you can get your paws on? All of that weight on your chain is putting an excessive strain on the moving parts of your ignition and will eventually wear down the tumblers, leading to an ignition switch failure. So get rid of everything that’s weighing you down – key wise – and your car (and life) will thank you.

Avoid Washing in the Heat

Washing your car when it’s ridiculously sunny outside will result in a soapy and splotchy residue. You’re better off washing it under a carport like the ones featured on additions.com.au or on a mildly cloudy day.

Car wash

Do you have any car care tips? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comment box below.

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